there was some sort of magic in the air at o'brien barn. storms threatened but never transpired, and clouds cleared right at sunset, making way for a sky of purple and orange. photos of the couple at sunset are always my favorites. the still and the quiet ... a time to catch a breath and be alone.
lizzy and jason's wedding was a treat to photograph. natural and laid-back with sweet and stylish details. through small gestures, subtle glances, and emotional toasts, the love everyone in that barn had for this couple was beyond evident. and lizzy and jason are so sweet with each other as well. always looking out for each other and always looking out for everyone around them as well.
they also have the cutest dog, cash.
congratulations, lizzy and jason! i loved being a part of your day, so so much. if i'm ever in boston, i'll give you a call! enjoy a small preview of much more to come: