it is hard to imagine two people more excited to get married. the smiles could not be wiped from their faces, rain or shine (and by that, i mean, rain no shine). i have known stephanie for about a decade, and the way her eyes light up around kelly is a bit of magic. in fact, in the whole time i have seen stephanie and kelly together as a couple, i have never once seen kelly enter a room without causing stephanie's eyes to light up. the way they are with each other, it's incredible.
to try and describe the love of family and friends that went into this day wouldn't do it justice. every single last thing ... from the invites, signs, lamb, hummus, tabouli, dolmas, desserts (they served a traditional lebanese dinner, YUM), indigo-dyed tableclothes, hand-thrown votives, music, officiating, and way more than i can remember now was done by steph and kelly themselves or by friends and family. it all looked absolutely beautiful.
so maybe the ceremony had to be moved from the orchard to the tent last minute ... the good spirits never faded. steph and kelly's smiles were permanent. steph's eyes were wide with love every time she looked at kelly. and vice versa. a light i don't see fading any time soon.
to my good friends ... all my love. here is just a preview of your day for now. enjoy. xo.
[i understand this is the cheesiest post i have ever written and that i said love way too many times and it is all pretty mushy and not grammatically correct or coherent. for some reason, i couldn't help it. these two make me happysappy.]